AKA Shinigami-sama ;D
Posts: 163
Post by JAYDEN on Mar 20, 2011 10:10:14 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=style, width: 460px; height: 550px; border: 10px solid #dddddd; background: #c5c0c0; color: a9a0a0; vertical-align: top; text-align: justify; font-family: Georgia; letter-spacing: -2px; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; font-weight: bolder; ] I wouldn't wanna be anybody else. You made me insecure,Told me I wasn’t good enough But who are you to judge When you’re a diamond in the rough I’m sure you got some things You’d like to change about yourself But when it comes to me I wouldn’t want to be anybody else Na na na Na na na I’m no beauty queen I’m just beautiful me Na na na Na na na You’ve got every right To a beautiful life C'mon Who says Who says you’re not perfect Who says you’re not worth it Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting Trust me That’s the price of beauty Who says you’re not pretty Who says you’re not beautiful Who says It’s such a funny thing How nothing’s funny when it’s you You tell ‘em what you mean But they keep whiting out the truth It’s like a work of art That never gets to see the light Keep you beneath the stars Won’t let you touch the sky Na na na Na na na I’m no beauty queen I’m just beautiful me Na na na Na na na You’ve got every right To a beautiful life C'mon Who says Who says you’re not perfect Who says you’re not worth it Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting Trust me That’s the price of beauty Who says you’re not pretty Who says you’re not beautiful Who says Who says you’re not start potential Who says you’re not presidential Who says you can’t be in movies Listen to me, listen to me Who says you don’t pass the test Who says you can’t be the best Who said who says selena gomez |
[atrb=style, opacity: 0.8] | [atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=style, width: 360px; margin-top: -500px; z-index: 1; position: relative, bTable][atrb=style,border: 5px double #bdbdbd; padding: 10px; opacity: 0.6; background: #ffffff; ]Lorem ipsum aeterno euismod prodesset ad pri, pro latine ocurreret suscipiantur no. Pri aeque equidem utroque et. Ius cu idque populo accusamus, vix offendit argumentum eu, duo alia congue abhorreant ad. Offendit voluptaria his in. Wisi quaeque sanctus ex nec, vim et molestie perfecto, vix hinc exerci ad.
Quas gloriatur te vix, vis epicuri accusata volutpat ei. Assum soluta vivendum et per, at persius aliquid molestiae eam, ei ius erat nobis appellantur. His iusto latine ut, ne mea unum vidit labitur. Partem regione phaedrum nec ut. Timeam hendrerit eu ius.
Doming commodo dissentiet an sed, ubique consequat dissentias ea eam, ei sit persius reformidans liberavisse. Id sea discere veritus periculis, suscipit convenire mnesarchum ad vim. Inermis maluisset repudiare ea duo, odio minim epicurei et per, consul omnium eu has. Pro an efficiendi scribentur, simul deleniti quo ne, no fugit aliquam mel. Cu nam facete accusata prodesset, in sea perfecto recteque evertitur. Impetus evertitur usu cu, et ignota oporteat vis.
AKA Shinigami-sama ;D
Posts: 163
Post by JAYDEN on Mar 20, 2011 10:10:59 GMT -5
boom, boom supersonic boom, [atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,440,true] [atrb=height,350,true][atrb=cellpadding,6px,true][cs=2][atrb=background,http://i27.tinypic.com/ossaht.jpg,true]you make my heart go boom, boom | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ullamcorper tempor risus ut faucibus. Integer accumsan urna id nulla tempus a fermentum magna tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum fermentum tortor at scelerisque. Nulla facilisi. Sed sapien purus, faucibus in dignissim non, pharetra ac arcu. Etiam pulvinar tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean justo dui, fringilla sit amet lacinia eu, viverra et neque. Etiam id turpis elit. Aenean eros elit, tristique facilisis fringilla ac, feugiat ut lectus. Cras mollis feugiat scelerisque.
Sed at felis a sem suscipit fringilla. Aliquam eget sapien a lacus rhoncus consectetur. Phasellus pulvinar eleifend molestie. Cras at eros ipsum, vel luctus magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sed diam at nisi faucibus cursus. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc et leo dolor. Suspendisse nec est urna. Fusce aliquam aliquet arcu at viverra. Proin et dolor ut lectus sodales aliquet sit amet et augue. Proin vel odio eget mauris fermentum convallis at vel enim. Sed iaculis egestas porttitor. Nulla quis metus ac mauris lacinia feugiat.
In eget odio lectus, in tincidunt neque. Quisque elementum nisl vitae leo iaculis vel consequat turpis ornare. Vivamus rhoncus ultricies nunc, id fermentum purus dignissim consequat. Praesent consequat faucibus felis id venenatis. Morbi porta dictum fringilla. Morbi ultricies scelerisque ante, sit amet faucibus leo fermentum in. Phasellus lacus dolor, eleifend rhoncus scelerisque in, placerat id orci. Vivamus ultrices enim sodales sapien mattis sit amet mollis neque imperdiet. Maecenas rutrum vehicula semper. Nullam eu laoreet justo. Sed eu libero id sapien suscipit ornare. Sed massa mi, congue in commodo et, convallis ut justo. Duis malesuada odio a eros tincidunt tempus. Maecenas imperdiet, leo nec pellentesque commodo, diam sem ornare urna, eu pretium eros sapien eget magna.
Aliquam risus diam, facilisis sed imperdiet et, euismod ac nisl. Sed vulputate facilisis orci, id ultricies leo sodales id. Phasellus vel lectus at odio bibendum vulputate eget id libero. Suspendisse ut lacus vitae elit tincidunt aliquam ac non libero. Suspendisse lacinia dui quis urna vehicula non tempus urna tincidunt. Nulla lacinia velit sed nibh placerat ut consequat enim ultrices. Aenean iaculis volutpat odio sit amet rutrum. Nulla porta metus non sem euismod in lacinia justo scelerisque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque vehicula purus sit amet felis vehicula ut euismod eros cursus. Duis vitae lacus ac lorem commodo auctor. Praesent eget lobortis nibh. Pellentesque a magna vel nibh rhoncus iaculis id eget enim. Donec lacus sem, ultrices at mollis non, mattis non lacus. Duis quis viverra lorem.
Nam tristique odio et turpis aliquet id malesuada diam imperdiet. Nulla fringilla dolor nec elit ornare condimentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras in euismod est. Morbi vitae ante eget sapien vestibulum feugiat at a purus. Nunc nulla leo, malesuada at imperdiet tincidunt, dignissim vel lacus. Aenean dui tortor, vulputate et pellentesque id, semper et sapien. Nam eros magna, tincidunt id mattis quis, eleifend a arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus lacinia ultrices luctus. Quisque feugiat vestibulum purus, non dapibus arcu eleifend eget. Suspendisse semper lobortis felis, quis blandit velit blandit et. Vivamus vehicula, eros sed accumsan sagittis, mi risus convallis urna, vitae ultricies purus lorem aliquam lectus. Proin laoreet luctus urna, ac sagittis libero fringilla sed. Proin euismod ultricies tortor quis malesuada. Sed venenatis lectus sit amet dui dapibus egestas. Morbi eleifend eleifend leo, elementum iaculis lacus iaculis ut. Ut mauris nisi, mollis nec gravida a, ultrices in risus. Nulla eu sodales lorem. Donec eleifend vulputate auctor. | "TAGS" |
[/u] who it's for. "WORDS"[/u] in words. "MUSIC"[/u] lovesick, emily osment made by SPOT[/u] on OTE![/div][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
AKA Shinigami-sama ;D
Posts: 163
Post by JAYDEN on Mar 21, 2011 15:00:23 GMT -5
like all the boys before like all the boys... this is ourluck baby, running out [atrb=width,450][atrb=border,3,true][atrb=rules,none,true][atrb=bordercolor,000000,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,10,true][atrb=background,http://i53.tinypic.com/2ppa59f.jpg,true]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultricies consectetur leo, vel ultrices dui facilisis a. Donec pellentesque laoreet luctus. Cras faucibus, sapien eget molestie ultrices, odio turpis venenatis erat, sagittis placerat leo ligula non neque. Nulla in ante eget augue dignissim varius. Fusce ullamcorper, elit sed adipiscing aliquam, orci odio tempus nulla, eget congue massa justo ac diam. Vestibulum tempor pellentesque lacus, at egestas augue feugiat et. Phasellus venenatis pellentesque massa sit amet bibendum. Ut ut nisl ipsum. Nam quis nunc mauris, sed elementum odio. Nunc ut ipsum libero, et sagittis felis. Quisque fermentum, nibh sit amet placerat tempus, leo elit pellentesque ligula, quis egestas lacus orci vel dui. Duis lobortis lectus nec est tincidunt tempor. Aliquam lobortis tincidunt nulla, non feugiat felis mattis eget. Morbi et mauris nisl. Pellentesque volutpat justo sem, placerat hendrerit leo.
Donec vel mauris vel dolor tincidunt viverra ut non erat. Praesent eget libero vel metus faucibus condimentum. Phasellus ullamcorper magna in velit rutrum placerat. Nunc tincidunt, urna non vulputate vulputate, est ante consequat turpis, at dapibus enim felis at mauris. Sed ultrices, lacus quis viverra volutpat, augue eros lacinia urna, in interdum nisi turpis in mi. In sed nunc quam. Vestibulum quis odio metus. Aliquam fermentum porta condimentum. Aenean vestibulum augue id turpis blandit sit amet porta lorem auctor. Morbi non eleifend orci. Donec dignissim, tellus at sagittis dignissim, nunc massa volutpat massa, nec interdum magna enim non libero. Mauris imperdiet cursus augue, auctor bibendum nunc rutrum id. Aenean consequat, metus a rutrum pulvinar, est nibh imperdiet velit, at mattis diam risus eget magna. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed et dui sem, venenatis dapibus est.
TAGS; NOTES; LYRICS; Under the Sheets, Ellie Goulding | [atrb=width,90,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=background,http://i53.tinypic.com/2ppa59f.jpg,true]
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AKA Shinigami-sama ;D
Posts: 163
Post by JAYDEN on Apr 15, 2011 21:17:17 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellspacing,0px,true] [atrb=style,background-color: #e1e1e1; padding: 10px; opacity: 0.8; border-top: #998899 solid 5px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 200px; border-radius: 200px 0px 0px 0px;][atrb=width,440,true]
tags, |
[/font] person one, person two, etc. lyrics,[/font] here we go; lemonade mouthnotes,[/font] bloody box of text bloody box of text bloody box of text bloody box of text.[/div] ❚ BLOODY WALL OF TEXT BLOODY WALL OF [/color] text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text. bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text. bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text bloody wall of text. [/div] [/td][/tr][/table][/center]